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GHPC - More realistic crew voice | M1IP Abrams in action
GHPC - Crew voice is scary realistic | M1IP Abrams in action
[GUNNER, HEAT, PC] High panic under fire during combat...
Real M1 Sounds + GHPC Crew
I recorded a real M1 Abrams and made it a War Thunder sound mod.
M1 ABRAMS Realistic crew voice #gunner heat pc #ghpc #m1abrams #turret flying
Calm vs. Panicked voices - Gunner, HEAT, PC
What Tank Combat Sounds Like
GHPC M1IP vs 3xT 72 Realistic crew voice (shorts)
M1 Abrams with New Crew Voices Sounds Amazing 🔥 Gunner, HEAT, PC! Gameplay
Life of Panzer Crew 😎
Ukraine shoulder throws a grenade in a tank